100 design lessons for 2021

7 min readDec 3, 2020


2020 was a strange year. What are some lessons designers can take as we embark on the year to come?

Fabricio Teixeira

3 days ago·2 min read


Things are not ok. We are in the middle of a global pandemic that has taken the lives of more than a million people. Those of us who have been able to keep our jobs in the economic crisis have been working remotely, leaving us feeling isolated and struggling to remain productive while the world burns outside.

As if that wasn’t enough, state violence against marginalized populations has escalated, while the gap between the rich and the poor has widened. Across the world, we are seeing the rise of authoritarian regimes fueled by the manipulation of truth and the dissemination of alternative facts on social media.

Things are not ok.

As the year ends, we can’t help but ask ourselves: what’s next for Design? What should designers expect for the year to come?

In the next coming weeks you are probably going to start seeing a lot of articles shared online about “The Coolest Design Trends for 2021”, or “New Technologies Every Designer Should Know in 2021”. In the six years we have been publishing our end-of-year State of UX report, we have always challenged ourselves to discuss our industry beyond tactical visual trends or insular new technologies.

In this edition, we decided to expand even further.

Not trends, but lessons.

The things that are happening all around us shouldn’t have come as a surprise. The way this year has played out was nothing more than a culmination of different factors that have been in play for years and decades.

If we have listened more, we could have acted sooner.

So this year we decided to listen. To reflect on the lessons we can take from what we have been experiencing, seeing, and talking about this year.

Lessons on how to make an impact beyond our products, how to collaborate beyond Zoom calls, how to organize ourselves beyond our bubbles, and how to improve our craft beyond artboards.

Lessons from voices we still don’t hear from as often in the design mainstream — but we should.

Lessons that can help us all dive into 2021 (hopefully) a bit more prepared.

The State of UX in 2021

From the tools we’ll use, to our process, to the behaviors that will change the way we design — here’s a list of what…



Fabricio Teixeira

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We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers. Curated stories on UX, Visual & Product Design.

UX Collective Editor

·Updated 2 days ago


“2020 has been a challenging year forcing most people to adapt to new realities. What makes me optimistic is seeing that people are capable not only to adapt but to thrive on change.”

“Just look how much progress we had in the span of a year on tools that enable remote collaboration, it’s amazing! If a year ago someone told me that a company like Shopify could have their entire workforce working remotely I would laugh. Seriously.

Looking to 2021 and beyond that’s the lesson I take. I want to be more nimble and ready to embrace change, even if that means that I’ll have to fall on my face a couple of times, at the end, when you start progressing it’s all worth it.

So, I challenge you to look for opportunities that come with change, not just the challenges. Because when you take a positive approach it’s easier to.” …

“For user researchers, the biggest lesson was how to make anything and everything that had to be remote more fun and relatable.”

“The biggest lesson in 2020 I had as a user researcher was how to make anything and everything that had to be remote more fun and relatable.

To begin with, it’s difficult to connect with participants over a remote (and often with a not ideal internet connection) video call, so it was important to learn how to ask the best warm-up questions and convey trust via video.

Next comes all of the remote facilitation that goes along with user research, such as the synthesis, debriefing, and any workshops. …

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Lisa Liu

·Updated 20 hours ago

How learning UX helped me deal with my depression

or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the missteps.

Right now, I’m writing this as an unemployed 28-year-old from my parents’ house. The job market is dismal, I’m completely burned out from an intense year of grad school, and the election has wreaked havoc among my immediate family. And yet, I’m overall okay. I’m in a definite low point of my depression wave cycle, but I know the low will end someday. It’s been a long journey to equilibrium, and UX turned out to be a valuable resource along the way.

According to MayoClinic:

Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical…

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Shannel Wheeler

·Updated 2 days ago

They only asked for fries: Stop adding unnecessary scope to your projects

Delivering excellence versus overdelivering.


I could already taste it. The enticing smell of those savory and perfectly seasoned fries was faintly calling me from a distance. I pulled into the drive-thru and ordered large fries from my fave southern fast-food spot. All I needed were those hot, crispy-soft fries to hold me over for the next couple of hours. I’m greeted by the friendly cashier who not only hands me the bag of steaming hot and unhealthy goodness but also offers me something else.

— “Would you like this root beer? We accidentally made an extra one.”

— “Um, okay sure.”

I took it knowing good and well that I don’t drink soda, but I was thrown off and figured I should politely accept. When I got home, I also found — to my surprise again — two small bags of sugar cookies. “When did they start doing this?” I asked myself. Anyway, I indulged in those tasty fries. The root beer ended up going flat after sitting on the counter for almost the entire day. What a waste of a drink. And those cookies were gross. Why did they give me those anyway? I guess they were trying to be nice. …

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Why your PM is just the worst, and why it might be your fault

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Product designers and product managers don’t always get along. In fact, sometimes it can feel as if we’re pulling in totally different directions. I’ve been through this marriage-of-sorts many times, I’ve observed it, moderated and managed it; here’s a thought for the next time you’re tempted to rage out.

Context: The Five Ws

In many ways, designing something new can feel like an exercise in storytelling. Tell your product’s story well and you’ll have something people can believe in and love… tell it poorly and they’ll all-too-easily move on. …

